Pass Labs Power Cord

I'm looking for Power Cord recomendation for my pass labs X350. Any help is highly appreciated.

Thank you

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I have had really good luck with the ESP Essence pc on my Pass X250.5. The only cord I have have found that significantly bettered it was a Michael Wolff Carbon PC but that one costs over $1K.
Armandito, I have tried Shunyata Taipan Helix Alpha and Audience on my X250.5

I don't know how your X350 responds to power cords, but my X250.5 shows a very slight difference between a $6 Volex cord and a Shunyata or Audience. The sonic difference is such that it is definitely not worth the price difference.
I ended up with Audience powerChord on this amplifier now(I already had it at the time), and Shunyata Taipan Helix Alpha on my ARC LS25 tube preamp and this is where it makes most sense in my system. But I could easily live with a stock cord on the amp as well. You get a slight improvement with Audience or Shunyata mostly in high frequencies where with aftermarket cords it sound a bit more even throughout that spectrum, but again, it takes some time to listen and notice.

Joey54, I also heard positive things about ESP Essence Reference on Pass Labs amplifiers. I was planning on trying this cord but never got to it. How would you describe the difference between the stock cord and ESP? Thanks
I used to own the Pass XA160 and had several conversations with Pass directly about power cords and they feel that their stock cords sound best. I did experiment with a few but found VERY little if any difference. I did the same experiment with my current amps and had the same results.
I posted this in another thread so if you've read it, please excuse the repitition.

I've owned and listened critically to almost every current Pass product for many hours. To my ears they are the least unaffected by aftermarket power cords than any other line to which I am familar. Based on my experience, I don't spend neither do I recommend, mega buck power cords for Pass gear. That money, IMO, is better spent someplace else in your room and/or system.

As always YMMV.

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