Atma-sphere amps best power tubes

This question has been debated before on A-gon but without a clear onclusion. I wonder, is it worth it, to upgrade from stock Russian or China output tubes (6as7g), to American NOS tubes?

It seems that everyone agrees that upgrading the Atma-sphere driver tubes from stock Russian/Chinese to NOS is well worth it. This is my experience also.

I am wondering about changing the output / power tubes too. I wonder if a change to NOS is well worth it also in the output case.

It seems likely, judging from my other equipment testing.

My Audiotailor Jade OTL headphone amp uses 1 6asg7 and 1 12ax7. No surprise - it sounds better with a good NOS 12ax7 compared to Russian/Chinese stock 12ax7.

More surprisingly, it also sounds clearly better with a NOS 6as7g output tube (General Electric US NOS). The improvement is largest with the driver tube but not so much behind with the output tube. Almost 50 50.

A lot of output tubes are involved - 28 tubes in my MA-1 amps. Changing them all is costly, and so I would like to know some user experience before I go into this.
Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
How many good roughly matched 6AS7G US made or other NOS tubes can you assemble. I also have a headphone amp which uses the 6080/6AS7G/421A etc. tubes. I can't recall having a large number of special 6AS7gs offered for sale. You can of course find different Soviet era tubes.
I am curious as to why you thought changing the output tube would nothave a big impact on the sound. I have been on a crusade telling any who care to use tube power amps.
My main system didn't have it's magic sound after years of switching and tweaking, until I switched to tube monoblocs.
O_holter, Ralph has always commented that he used the Soviet 6AS7 tubes, and now the Chinese, because he could never find US made 6AS7 tubes that were as reliable or long-lasting in his circuit. With the changes he made a few years back, his opinion may have changed. Have you called him?
Rushton - Yes it seems that Ralph is now more positive to using American 6as7g tubes, at least in recent amp versions (I have 3.2). In another thread he wrote about some customers reporting good results. Preconditioning is important. There will probably be failures, but that is the case with new Soviet and Chinese tubes also, in my experience.
Mechans - thanks, I agree, in general better tubes means better sound. Yet it would be interesting if anyone has actually tried a full set of China/Russia versus a full set of US output tubes in an A-S amp, and could describe the sound difference more precisely.
I found some comment in earlier threads.
06-12-11: Entrope
"As the owner of Atma-sphere M60 mkII.3's I find the the RCA 6AS7 available and not to pricey. They sound much better than the stock Russian tubes. In speaking with Ralph Karsten he indicated the amps probably had a somewhat greater power output with the American tubes over the stock tubes. He indicated as much as 20%."
See thread 1307834958.
Also there was a thread on Atmasphere output tubes in October 2014, although I cannot find it now. I copied a few of the posts:
"atmasphere 6as7g output tubes.
Time to get some new tubes, I know atmasphere does not recommend nos tubes. I really have to say my amps would not sound the same without nos input tubes. I was wondering if there are any opinions regarding using nos or vintage tubes for output tubes."
Toothman (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Responses (1-17 of 17)
10-16-14: Brf
"It's your amp and it's your money, therefore, as long as you are using the same tube type, knock your socks off and roll the NOS tubes."
Brf (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
10-16-14: Atmasphere
"The American 6AS7Gs can have issues, although we have found that the 6AS7GAs are the ones that are most problematic.
Here is what we know about the American tubes so far:
1) you get best results if your amplifier is a Mk3 or later.
2) If NOS, the tubes should be preconditioned for 4 days and 4 nights. This is done by placing them in the amp and putting it in Standby only for that time. If you apply B+ during that period the preconditioning process is ended.
Preconditioning can double the life of the tubes, help restore a better vacuum by activating the getter, and will also reduce the possibility of premature arcing.
BTW this process applies to all output tubes, assuming they are new/untested or NOS.
I would regard the use of American 6AS7Gs as experimental as you may run into premature arcing, but some customers have had excellent results. I think a lot depends on the tubes, if they are really NOS, that sort of thing. However- stay away from the GA varieties- they won't work."
O_holter, Great information collected from Ralph. Thanks for collecting it all into one place and sharing it. Sometime I'll have to re-tube my MA-2 amps, so you can imagine I'm likely to be even more cautious than you!