Owners of speakers by obscure companies chime in

Recently I discovered that there is a cottage industry out there producing some great speakers. Then I posted asking who are these companies and what speakers are they churning out. I was surprised at how many names popped up that I never heard of before. This time around we would like to hear from the owners and their experiences.
One last note, I beleive most of us realize how fortunate for us to have such a variety to choose from, only thing we need to figure out is how do we get to hear them?
Thanks in advance.
SP Tech must be listed, judging from the response of every new (unfortunately, too few) owner, both here and on AudioCircle. Maybe Bob Smith can respond; like many dicsreet, modest new designers, he keeps a low profile, but having heard his design views, it would be a pity if he continually stays under the radar.
I've owned them for going on 5 years now, and though I'll happily buy the first pair of speakers that better those produced by SP Tech, I don't believe my money will be going anywhere except La Porte, IN.

No one speaker is for everyone, but SP Tech speakers come closer than any I've ever heard. If Bob had the wherewithal for an even marginally effectively marketing campaign, I believe the speaker landscape would be very different.

For those with access, ask Steve McCormack and/or Jim "I hate speakers" Merod what they think about them.

SP Technology
Bob Smith of SP Tech is a mad scientist genius. His speakers are the best kept secret on the planet, and some of that is not good. As DU said, he has a great following. Jim Merod, the well-published recording engineer/reviewer, has personally told me there are two speakers on this planet that he believes convey real music through their transducers, and the SP Tech Revelations are one of them! I won the opnly pair in the US to have the Ultimate Mundorf external crossover boxes to-date, and will get three addtl on Friday, a cnter channel Continuum AD with Ultimate external, and a pair of Continuum AD's with intermediate externals for my music surrounds. Yes, I've made a commitment. :>)
Penaudio Serenade could be the very best speakers you have "never" heard.Rated CLASS "A" by WP and JA yet not a word about these speakers on the "GON".They simply disappear when playing, have a very small imprint, deep and wide stage with full bodied sound.Penaudio is an obscure company.... and it shouldn't be.
Steve and Robert at Ridge Street Audio Design (RSAD) produce a great monitor speaker- the Sason Ltd. They do not advertise nationally, and do not have a dealer network. Word of mouth & candy-in-the-ear-and-eye is how they are sold.

After talking to Steve at length over the phone, he contacted a prior owner to see if I could visit for a listen. The proud owner generously invited me into his home. I stayed for hours. Although this is not the best way to audition, it certainly is effective and more personal than a sterile showroom presentation.

Steve worked closely with me during his hand building of the speakers, and included individual requests. This level of genuine service added a satisfying feeling to a traditionally sterile financial transaction.

BTW- Steve & Robert will be demonstrating their (elusive) Sason's at AKFest this year. I hope many folks get a listen & a look at these emotionally involving speakers.