Speaker db rating?

Does anyone knowthe ratio of a speakers db rating, 1 db at 1 meter,relitive to amplifier watts to power them well enough to be loud enough in a small room.
Example:what kind of db rating would one look for if a 8 watt amplifier was used?
How does each point,as the rating increases,affect the wattage needed to drive the speaker.
Makes the case for hi-eff horns doesnt it;) The -6db for every doubling of distance is not fully true for large horns. I have a pair that has greater SPL at 15ft than at 7ft. Large horns like these dont lose SPL to distance as much as non horn loudspeakers. Why horns rule in PA, sound reinforcement,theaters and yes hi-quality home audio reproduction. Every year more manufacters use horns or wave guides;) Must be reason...If I was going with a 8 watt tube amp depending on my tastes budget room etc. I would look for loudspeakers with min 90db 8 ohms -114db 8ohms.
Don't forget that the crossover used can affect how much power you will need, a complex crossover with lots of parts will need more power to sound dynamic than a simple or no crossover will. Some speakers have only a cap on the tweeters while others use no crossover(single driver designs) Tell us which speakers you are considering or what is your price range and I'm sure you will get lots of suggestions. For low cost try Hornshop Horns, Reference3 A Mm De Capo's will work with 8 watts also (92db@1watt1meter and only a cap on the tweets. I use Sonist Concerto2 (95db rated with good results paired with 5 watt amp.
Groundhog- Read this before you get too confused between amplifier output power, SPL and perceived loudness levels: (http://www.audioholics.com/education/frequently-asked-questions/relationship-between-watts-and-dbs) You'll notice that it actually takes 10 times the amplifier power to produce an SPL that SOUNDS twice as loud to our ears. That is an important factor to consider with your goals.
This site is a bit more in depth in it's presentation of the facts: (http://www.analogrules.com/dbwatts.html) The tool that Hemihorn posted takes these factors into consideration.
For simplicity:
Assuming 92db speakers
1 watt = 92db
2 watts = 95db
4 watts = 98db and so on...

Takes double the wattage to increase 3db
Takes 10 db to have perceived doubling of volume