Hi B_limo,
I've got the Peachtree Grand Integrated X-1, which combines the pre, amp and dac, so questions 2 and 3 won't apply.
For question 1, I honestly don't hear sound difference between sitting down to listen after the unit has been powered for 10 minutes vs. 5 hours, so I shut mine down most of the time when not in use just to save electricity.
For question 4, before I bought the Peachtree I called them up with some questions. I don't remember whether I asked them, or they asked me what my plan was for the power cord, but the question came up and I said that I was just planning to use the stock cord it came with. Their answer, and I'm only paraphrasing minimally, was "good, don't waste your money on a power cord, the one it comes with is all you need". That's just what they told me, so use that information however you like.
Just for kicks, I have tried the power cord from my Audio Research integrated and I can't hear a difference so I just use the stock Peachtree cord. For what it's worth, the Grand X-1 sounds as good as the Audio Research - my wife and I can't tell them apart sonically.
I hope you're enjoying your Nova Pre/220 combo as much as I enjoy the Grand X-1. Peachtree makes some good gear.
I've got the Peachtree Grand Integrated X-1, which combines the pre, amp and dac, so questions 2 and 3 won't apply.
For question 1, I honestly don't hear sound difference between sitting down to listen after the unit has been powered for 10 minutes vs. 5 hours, so I shut mine down most of the time when not in use just to save electricity.
For question 4, before I bought the Peachtree I called them up with some questions. I don't remember whether I asked them, or they asked me what my plan was for the power cord, but the question came up and I said that I was just planning to use the stock cord it came with. Their answer, and I'm only paraphrasing minimally, was "good, don't waste your money on a power cord, the one it comes with is all you need". That's just what they told me, so use that information however you like.
Just for kicks, I have tried the power cord from my Audio Research integrated and I can't hear a difference so I just use the stock Peachtree cord. For what it's worth, the Grand X-1 sounds as good as the Audio Research - my wife and I can't tell them apart sonically.
I hope you're enjoying your Nova Pre/220 combo as much as I enjoy the Grand X-1. Peachtree makes some good gear.