Pickup SRA - starting from a 500x microscope

I am not sure if my Lyra Atlas has the right SRA. Can other owners contribute? I have bought a 500x usb microscope, but it remains hard to find the exact angle. It is easy to get the angle of the record (or platter - I use a mirror), but very hard to get the angle of the stylus. I use the Cooling Tech software but it does not solve my problems. Trying to estimate the angle I cannot set the crosses sufficiently exact, and end up with values like 88, 90, 94 - varying all over the place.
I have only taken a few pictures so far, and could perhaps improve them. Tips and info welcome.
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Thank you Sunnyboy1956. I do agree with you (and with Rpeluso) that too much adjustment can become on obsession. On the other hand, a bit of it is a needed. Since you have an Atlas - where do you set the arm - up, down, or just parallel?

I do agree with you (and with Rpeluso) that too much adjustment can become on obsession...

Thank you for the joke of the year
"SRA and VTA are not identical or even interchangeable terms"

They are infinitely connected, one follows the other, no they are not identical but they will follow each other, if you change one the other will change too. So it ultimately a matter of where/how one chose to measure, in my opinion that would be SRA which is the point closest to the source.

I do however not subscribe to endless adjustments nor obsess over this, I usually just set it once and then forget about it till I change something on any particular setup.

Good Listening


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