Totem vs. Vr-1 vs. Dynaudio Audience

Hi all, I'm interested in your thoughts regarding the 3 speakers I listed. I've decided to upgrade from my current Michael Green Designs Rev. 60i to something better suited to my space and with better imaging. Right now it looks like I could get a pair of Rainmakers, Arros, Vr-1s, or Dynaudio Audience 52 in the $600-800 range, and am looking for some input.

The rest of my system consists of a Sony SCD-C222es mated to either an Audiolab 8000S or a B&K set up with a PT-II and an ST-2140. (Deciding which I like more, but generally leaning toward the Audiolab).

The room I'm in is L-shaped with the speakers being toward one side of the long wall. I'd guess it's about 300 sq feet.

My listening leans toward sax and vocal jazz and electronica (thievery corporation, zero 7, etc.) with some blues and alternative thrown in. Not really much hard rock or metal.

I'm tempted by the totems as they are close by, so I can audition them, and the arros are reputed to have phenomenal imaging. However, I am a bit worried about their lack of "meat." and they are a bit more expensive than the others.

Your thoughts are much appreciated.
I am not familiar with the Vr-1s so can't provide you any insight there.

Qualifier: I love Totem speakers. The Totems image extremely well, with the Arros a bit better than the Rainmakers, although the later are terrific little sub-$1,000 (new) stand mount speakers. As for the low end, I didn't notice it's absence right off when listening, perhaps because I was distracted by the tone, timing and images projected by the Totems. If you find you are missing some bass weight, you could always add a powered sub later. As for match with the suggested amps, the Audiolab is not known for its imaging prowess, so the Totem's greatest asset may be held in check a bit here. Power and current from the Audiolab is probably only just adequate to drive the Totems. The B&K separates may be a better choice here.

Qualifier: I love Dynaudio speakers: The Audience 52 speakers are excellent all around stand mount speakers and will work with lesser amplification compared to their higher end products, but it turns out that these speakers also love current the more and better current, the better. I think the Audiolab amp would make sound come out but would be less than optimal here - to get them up on plane, I would opt for the more powerful B&K set up. Your preference or experience may dictate otherwise.

Now with that said, I think any of these well-regarded speakers will outclass the amplification you are talking about here. If the amps are not already in hand, I might look at mid level NAD amps like the C352/C355, or C372 or a used Jolida amp to drive any of the mentioned speakers before deciding on the B&K or the Audiolab.

Stepping up a level, a used Naim integrated or PrimaLuna ProLogue tube amp would also turn the trick. Less rated power, but more useable and musical current. I heard the Audience 52s with a PrimaLuna and it was a really good pairing.

My two cents.
The Totem Arro's have an incredibly deep and powerful bottom-end for such a small,narrow speaker. I guarantee you'll be pleased with the bass performance, plently of "meat" if this is what you're referring to.
Knownothing -- Interesting thoughts regarding amplification. I'd always thought of both set-ups as a step up from the NAD. (And they certainly cost more!) I'd be very happy if I could unload both in favor of a c352.

In the jolida line, are you thinking just of the tube amps, or could I use something like a 1501RC?

Hitmam -- Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking about, so that def. adds some support to the arros.
I can't comment on the Dynaudio's since I haven't heard them.

The VR-1 is a nice little monitor that is on the lean and detailed side. It's also easily driver by low-powered amps.

The Totem Arro is the imaging champ, and musters a fullness that's surprising for a speaker its size. The Rainmakers have more fullness than the Arro's, but don't image quite as well.

If it were me, between the VR-1 and low-cost Totem's, I'd chose the Arro's. But a lot depends on your listening preferences and amplification.
