Totem vs. Vr-1 vs. Dynaudio Audience

Hi all, I'm interested in your thoughts regarding the 3 speakers I listed. I've decided to upgrade from my current Michael Green Designs Rev. 60i to something better suited to my space and with better imaging. Right now it looks like I could get a pair of Rainmakers, Arros, Vr-1s, or Dynaudio Audience 52 in the $600-800 range, and am looking for some input.

The rest of my system consists of a Sony SCD-C222es mated to either an Audiolab 8000S or a B&K set up with a PT-II and an ST-2140. (Deciding which I like more, but generally leaning toward the Audiolab).

The room I'm in is L-shaped with the speakers being toward one side of the long wall. I'd guess it's about 300 sq feet.

My listening leans toward sax and vocal jazz and electronica (thievery corporation, zero 7, etc.) with some blues and alternative thrown in. Not really much hard rock or metal.

I'm tempted by the totems as they are close by, so I can audition them, and the arros are reputed to have phenomenal imaging. However, I am a bit worried about their lack of "meat." and they are a bit more expensive than the others.

Your thoughts are much appreciated.
Update --

So I auditioned the Arros for quite a while. They are leaner sounding than my Rev. 60i's, but they have enough low end to get by.

And, true to what everyone says, they image very well. The soundstage is incredibly deep and they really do disapper, BUT (and it's a Sir-Mix-a-Lot sized but) they are BRIGHT. The upper treble range is loud, harsh and etched, to the extent that it dominates anything else in the recording and makes music sound like a collection of parts rather than a whole.

I've tried a variety of set-ups to see what happens, but the outcome is always the same -- Audiolab 8000s, B&K PT-3 and B&K St2140, Trends 10.1, and a Yaqin/Grant Fidelity Tube Buffer in every mix and match combo one can think of.

I've tried switching cables and even hauled the arros to my buddy's place to listen with his Sonic Frontiers Line 1/Bryston 4bst combo.

In the end he and I concluded that we liked what the arros did, just not the sound with which they did it.

I'm ready to give the arros back now. I'm going to miss the depth, but not the harsh treble. Did I miss something (short of trying something like a Jolida, Unison or PrimaLuna)?

What do they sound like before they get broken in? Could this be the issue?
I am very fimiliar with the Dynaudio sound. I had the Audience 72 and if you don't want an on the bright side treble look elswhere. The VR1 may have the best balance for you.

Blessings, Bob
World Wide Stereo is offerin up some Dynaudio Audience 52SE at a closeout price. Check them out on *Bay. I just bought a pair for my analogue system.

Interesting. I have listened to Arros at the end of all Musical Fidelity, all Naim and all Rega systems and did not find them overly bright. The Musical Fidelity amp/CDP/Arro combination was an especially good match. Maybe I have an ear for tin?

How many hours did you allow for them to break in? I believe Totem recommends 100-150 hours.