Shahinian Obelisk Passive Radiator Replacement

I just bought a pair of good condition Shahinian Obelisk speakers at a garage sale for $5 :-). Unfortunately, both 10" passive radiators had been completely removed and are gone. Shahinian Acoustics wants $275 for a replacement pair. Parts Express has replacements for $60 ( There are also used pulls from good speakers on ebay for $25+ dollars.

My question is are passive radiators that sonically critical and precisely matched that I have to buy the $275 pair from Shahinian or could I get by with one of my other choices without muddling up the speakers? And if so which ones? Or are there other choices or vendors I should consider for the replacement? Thanks for the advice!!
You got a GREAT pair of speakers for $5, why not spend the $275 and have an excellent pair that, if you so wished, you could sell and easily make your money back. If it were me, I'd repair them with original parts and wouldn't part with them.
Good luck!
I would go with the real thing. You should check the woofers for foam rot also.
I heard a pair of Shahinian Hawks tonight and was extremely impressed. If the Obelisks sound anything like the Hawks, they're keepers. I agree with others... get the OEM drivers. $275 is a fraction of what these speakers go for used.
YOu have to be kidding. You get a pair of Obelisks for $5 on ebay and then complain about spending another #275 for the correct replacements. If it really a problem. I'll take them off your hands for $50. A great profit for you, then I can complain about the cost of the replacements.
Give Richard and Vasken Shahinian kudos for their design and buy the right parts. While you are at, it also get new upper grills/crowns before they stop making replacements. Their email is: