Shahinian Obelisk Passive Radiator Replacement

I just bought a pair of good condition Shahinian Obelisk speakers at a garage sale for $5 :-). Unfortunately, both 10" passive radiators had been completely removed and are gone. Shahinian Acoustics wants $275 for a replacement pair. Parts Express has replacements for $60 ( There are also used pulls from good speakers on ebay for $25+ dollars.

My question is are passive radiators that sonically critical and precisely matched that I have to buy the $275 pair from Shahinian or could I get by with one of my other choices without muddling up the speakers? And if so which ones? Or are there other choices or vendors I should consider for the replacement? Thanks for the advice!!
Apparently you didn't read my previous post. That junk on eBay(it IS a PR, not just parts or a "cap") WILL NOT perform properly with your system(or anyone else's, unless they just get REALLY lucky). Bite the bullet and buy the passive radiator that was designed for your system!
Zymaze, now that you've gotten a number of responses I will be more direct - everyone here is exactly on target. If the woofer and top drivers are in good shape (even if the woofers need replacing!) you've gotten maybe the deal of the century. Don't email, don't mail - CALL Shahinian Acoustics early to mid-afternoon tomorrow (that's when Dick and Vasken are usually in the shop together) and either get new passives or send the speakers back for total reconditioning. The cost will be significantly less than a pair of mint used Obelisks and you will have one of the most unique and killer speakers ever designed.
As an owner of Shahanian Obelisks for 20+ years, I can only add my voice to what Tonyptony and others have so eloquently said. These are killer speakers. Please, please contact Shahanian and invest the necessary money to bring these incredible speakers up to spec. You may well enjoy yours for 20+ years...that would amortize to less than $20 per year!