Speaker wire upgrade??

I am running a McIntosh MC 402 to Dali Euphonia MS5 Speakers. I am using the speaker wire the dealer included when I bought the Amp - they are Ultralink Excelsior 2.4. Based on a web search these retail for around $170 or so depending on the store. They are also 12 feet and I only need 8.

I read lots about the importance of speaker wire on this site and am wondering if I could do better and spend not more than $500. Any thoughts from follow "goners"?
My system is on the revealing side. Which of the many would you recommend in this case? Thanks for the input.
Azmoon, you've got some very fine speakers. Quite nice. I looked over the reviews of the MS5s and checked over the owners manual pdf. Dali strongly advises bi-wiring these speakers, it's probably a safe bet that's good advice. You've gotten several safe, wise recommendations for single wires, but the bi-wire angle complicates things a little. Straley's reality cables have gotten lot's of good buzz from guys whose opinion I respect, but his website doesn't mention a biwire option. You could always shotgun two runs for $550 though. If someone (like Straley) offers a 30 day money back guarantee, it's a safe trial. Among the wires I've used, the Kimber 8tc is easily adapted to biwire configuration. Kimber wire is excellent in my and many others experience. It's been around seemingly forever, so it doesn't get any "flavor of the month" buzz, but it's a solid, consistent performer. If you are inclined to DIY projects, Furutech makes a very nice 4 conductor, bi-wire friendly speaker cable (u-4T.1) that you can buy from www.partsconnexion.com for the bargain price of $22.00 a meter. While your Dalis are described as revealing and open, I've not seen any reference to them as edgy or harsh, so I wouldn't be afraid of using Furutech wire with them. The Neotech NES-3004 that VenHaus Audio sells for DIY ($50 meter) is also easily configured as a biwire. You can put together an eight foot pair under your $500 budget with this cable also. While I've not heard it, other Neotech wire has impressed me. I'm sure Chris Venhaus would be happy to offer his opinion as to the suitability of this wire with your Dali speakers.
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