5 Years or More?

I go through a lot of equipment, but one piece I haven't changed in the past five years and plan on owning another five years or more are my Merlin VSM-MXes (revisions or updates don't count as changes). How many have speakers they've owned and listen to for 5 years or more and don't plan on changing for another five years -that what speakers have you found to be "keepers"?
I have Snell CIV speakers from 1992, replaced a blown mid-range, but have no plans to replace soon. Love the bass too.
I have Vandersteen 5A's. One of the great selling points of this speaker (and perhaps others in the Vandersteen line) is that when an improvement comes along, Vandersteen will install the update to the speaker. Yes, I know that sometimes to do that you have to send the speaker back to the factory, but all in all, it's much more cost effective to do that than to buy into a whole new speaker. Yes...you have to like the Vandersteen signature, but if you have confidence in the house sound, you can continue living on the Vandersteen cutting edge. It makes me laugh when I read the posts that say "I have no intentions of giving them up any time soon", or these speakers are "keepers", etc. We audiophiles are very fickle indeed and sometimes we just wake up one morning and HAVE TO HAVE the new this or that and are sure that it will bring even higher heights of audio into our sound rooms.