Vienna Mozart Grand or Beethoven Baby Grand

Anyone compared these two? I am trying my friends old Mozart (the pre-Grand model) and its really good but considering stepping up to the Beethoven Baby Grand. I have a Moon I-3RS amp, goes really well with the Mozarts.

Also the Hifi News Aug 08 review of the Beethoven Baby Grand suggests it could be a demanding amp load as the minimum impedance gets down to 1.5ohms (average is 4ohms). Does anyone know what this means? My amp, the Simaudio moon I-3RS is rated 200W at 2ohm - could the speakers damage the amp when the impedance gets low?
Thanks for your help in advance.
I wouldn't worry about any damage to the amp. Most amps have an overload detection circuit that will shut the amp down if it sees too much current drain. I don't think you should have any trouble.
I would contact the manufacturer for this question and see where the conversation leads you too.
When building my secondary system I was looking cloely at VA Baby Grands. The best price I could find new was $3250. I absolutely loved the sound of these speakers. I did not care for the Mozart Grand - flabby bass. I ened up goig with a pair of Dynaudio Audience 52SE, Stand4 and a Sub-20A. Both speakers being closeouts so I got a great deal. For the speaker package & stands I paid less than $2000.
I compared and bought the Baby Grands. They're full range down to 30hz and should work fine with your amp; however, more power is useful to get the last nth out of them. They're very musical.

Hi Miner42, with what amp did you drive the Mozarts? The bass of Vienna speakers in general can sound warm/bloated when driven by amplifiers with a low damping factor. Guido