Parasound halo JC2 what a joke

Had a jc2 power button fail because the glue that mounted it on fell off ! I guess they glue the input and power buttons on to the face plate . So I sent it out to get fixed , $175.00 with shipping and the repair shop put a small scratch in the face plate . The repair shop is like that must have been there I didn't do it . I call parasound and talked to the owner he said he would talk to the repair shop and call me back . 2 weeks later I called him back and he thinks i'm pulling a fast one on him or something ! If I dinged the front I would have said put a new 1 on . I drive a new caddy I think I can afford it ass$#@# .
...and as far as CS, not too many companies will you get a direct response from the owner himself, and promptly I might add.
"Keep in mind that the Parasound is a mass produced product made in Taiwan"

Assembled in Taiwan would be more accurate.
And so what? They come with a five year warranty, they sound amazing(Halo anyway), they look exceptionally good, and the president stands behind the products like no "mass market" brand I've ever seen. The OP was upset because the repair facility put a scratch on his amp mostly, but he seems to get upset easily as he now accuses the president of something too.

If one can spend $10-15,000 on amps, more power to you. Recently in another forum a Parasound owner said he's upgrading to some super expensive brand because "after a while, you just want to move on to something better". Good for him, but whatever improvement he'll get over a high bias Class A with MOSFET/JFETs input/output stages design that the Halos offer will be subtle in most cases.

But it's his money, he can do what he wants with it. Bashing Parasound because one button came off, and is made in Taiwan is silly, however. If there were a rash of buttons falling off, then you'd have something.
Sh$t happens all the time, even with more expensive companies. And more often than one might think.

Owners just don't like to report it here, because of the resell value of their pieces. Now, to suggest enthusiastically "not to buy any more Parasound stuff!" is plain childish.

Having said that, it's very interesting to know Parasound's side of the story.
Thanks Don_c55. AS for the rest of you guys, I stand behind what I said. I'm changing anything or backpedaling because you don't like it or disagree with it, childish or not.

The facts remain that this is a mass produced product made (excuse me *assembled*) in Taiwan built to a price point with clear compromises inherent in the whole enchilada.

I can appreciate affordability, but to me, this stuff ain't the cat's meow like some of you guys and the reviewers say.

And as far as reliability is concerned, of course more expensive stuff has its problems, there are lemons at every price point.

Regarding customer service; I can appreciate that. That is quite commendable and honorable.

Anyway, those are my thoughts for today. Feel free to debate (I know you will, lol)