How would you run an audio salon?

Just wondering, as an audiophile how would you set up an audiophile shop?
I have got some ideas but will post them later except to say I would limit the number of brands and try my best to get it to sound its very best.
Buconero117 has most of the right ideas. I don't know about the sexy part. Also, loaner pieces, home setup of speakers, wide range of equipment (get that past the manufacturers if you can). Unfortunately many of the distributors of quality lines make you take all their products, not just the ones you like. You may be forced to set up rooms that may have great speakers, but mediocre electronics. You also need loaners for when customers send their pieces in for repair. But, all in all, it is a losing proposition and only for the wealthy who can afford to lose money just to provide an environment that is relaxed, fun, informative, and artistic, and will ultimately lose a ton. I miss the old days!
One thing I would like to see is a showroom with just one system, one pair of speakers and one of each: power amp, preamp, turntable. Thats it, but the best sound out there. Where all the components work well together, synergy baby. And it'll sound live.
Who knows maybe some day I'll demo my merlins for prospective owners, yes with the bungee chords. Of course not any time too soon, I am looking to try tubes and will determine which works best with my other components.
Did anyone ever notice one particular audio shop doing better setups than other shops?
Before any one jumps to any conclusions just thought I would mention I have no intention of running a business related to audio, this is not a plug, the demo would be for audiophile friends and possibly the occasional prospective customer interested in the brands I use.
I would take the traditional sale of Hi Fi to the next level...audiophile consultations. The individual customers needs and desires would be addressed and discussed with musical preferences, budget and listening environment in mind. I would be beholden to no ONE manufacturer as I would draw upon a select number of quality dealers to satisfy the customer. The process would be personal, involve extensive listening sessions and custom setup...all for a reasonable fee! Well, maybe slightly unreasonable but so worth it.
Dave you cant offer anything that cant be had here for free or from a conversation with stand up dealers.