Audio Research 75 SE

I just heard there is an Audio Research Ref 5 SE and they are offering the update to Ref 75 owners. Not only includes the 150 tube but also some circuit changes to better accommodate the new tube. Audio Research states this is a dramatic improvement as much so as from Ref 5 to the Ref 5SE.. Anybody heard it.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcarey1110
Well, all I can say to you, Tsushimal ... is that ARC, like all businesses, has expensed to meet. Your post reminded me of the old joke where a brain surgeon had to call in a plumber to fix a major leak in his home. When the plumber presented the bill to the brain surgeon, the surgeon looked at the bill, then looked totally shocked at the plumber and said: "Hey pal, I'm a brain surgeon ... and I don't make this kind of money." The plumber looked the surgeon n the eye and said ... "Neither did I when I was a brain surgeon."
I had recently changed my capacitors from white to red when one of the capacitors went bad on my REF 250s. ARC also replace the wire at that time and I later upgraded to KT 150. But did not hear much difference after all these changes.
Well Oregonpapa! Should your career in stand up comedy not work out, it would appear that you would be a shoe in with customer services over at Obviscation Central.

Should you wish to make yourself really useful, perhaps you might inquire of your 'source' as to list of the componant parts utilized within the SE upgrade service/kit, the total within your basket upon checkout at Mouser may prove most insightful.

I have two words for ya ... and it ain't Happy Birthday.

Read my comments on the REF-75 SE in the new thread I
started last night. It should be posted sometime today.

In spite of the wishes, hopes and prayers of the trolls,
the naysayers, the miscreants, the envious, the
destructive, those who derive pleasure from sticking pins
into the dreams of others, and the modifiers of Pas-3s
and Dyna 70s, the new SE amps are in another league from
the where ARC has gone before. Too full of exuberance you
say? Find one and judge for yourself.

Oh yes, and one final thought, Tsshimal, as to the
exorbitant fees charged by the Gynecologist you
referenced in your previous post; its important to keep
in mind that probing to previously unexplored depths
requires hazardous pay.

Take care ... and happy listening.
03-27-15: Tsushima1
Well Oregonpapa! Should your career in stand up comedy not work out, it would appear that you would be a shoe in with customer services over at Obviscation Central.

Should you wish to make yourself really useful, perhaps you might inquire of your 'source' as to list of the componant parts utilized within the SE upgrade service/kit, the total within your basket upon checkout at Mouser may prove most insightful.
If you don't find the SE upgrade is good ROI, then don't do it?? You do have a choice??

Don't tell me my government is imposing another mandate if I don't upgrade, I have to pay a STIFF penalty.