Needed subwoofer Recommendations.

I'm looking for a great budget sub, used,under $500.00
Any suggestions? I dont want boomy bass,so I'm looking for tight and articulate.

This is for a small TV room,used with some really good little Wharfedale 8.1 speakers, running stereo off an refurbished Accuphase E-202,Sony dvd HDMI.

If someone has nominated your choice, by all means, type an, I agree with suchandso, and their choice, that will help me choose too.


I have tried various paradigm,mirage,JBL,Infinity and velodyne subs. The HSU just blew everything away It also blends very well and was by far the most musical. You won't be disapointed.

I'm extremely happy with a Sunfire HRS-8 in my bedroom system utilizing Epos M-5 bookshelf speakers. This sub is a 10 inch cube that integrates seamlessly and provides very satisfying bass. It should be in your price range. -Lars-
although I agree with Gary about HSU, I would like to add that I have owned both the HSU VTF-3 and the HSU VTF-2 Mk 3. The latter a later revision of the HSU VTF-3. The HSU VTF-2 Mk 3 has bass extension that goes considerably deeper and has vastly better control. There is also the HSU VTF-3 Mk 3 which would only be needed for an extremely large room. all 3 of these subs should be available used for under $500.
I second the HSU brand. I have a VTF2 in my bedroom system along with two pair of Bostaon Accoustic A70s for L&R and I love this sub.