Hello Joe (Trelja)
The pleasure was all mine.
Meeting you in person was something I planed on for quite some time now. You are in fact a stand up guy and passionate audiophile. Besides, I like someone who speak his mind with out reservations and sugar coating.
(please say hello to your other half and beautiful little princess. :))
As to experience with SD CarderSound speakers, yes they sure are more then meets the eye. Sound wise - I would definitely be proud to have this sound quality in my own system. Bass was more the satisfying, soundstage was first class on TyBones. Madison, excel in bass reproduction but expecting the same image and soundstage from 8" driver as the TyBone's 4 1/4"-er is simply impossible. Both awesome speaker.
I have express my concerns with this kind of design.
No, it has nothing to do with they way they sound.
It is the size and WAF, which for some may or may not be an issue.
Hearing Jeff's speakers for the second time made me curious about the possibilities of this approach (SD double horn design).
So much , that I am more then anxious to build the similar speakers for my own pleasures.
There are some issues that I would like to point out to Jeff and I will do that privately....it will hopefully make his life easier....in a long run.
The enclosures are definitely not difficult (but can be) to build but as the product that will have to satisfy all but the most discriminating customers, there is room for improvements (build, tech, appearance wise - sound wise there are no issues).
Ones again pleasure to meet you Joe and congrats to Jeff for wonderful speakers - Bravo.
Kijanki & Mapman
Measurements and state of the art equipment is more then welcome for big name companies, and I hope it will reflect in the quality and sound of the END product.
But keep in mind that all of the expenses are pass on to YOU - the client.
That is why the Revel top models will never be priced to meet the budget of regular JOE. It does make perfects sense though if one wants a ready product with good resell value and second to non cosmetics.
I have never imply that DIY speakers can shamed top speaker designs (commercially available).
What can be achieved , is the very close to live music reproduction that can make you stop looking for more.
Take all the benefits of SD design and possibility of do it it yourself (if your are persistent enough) and it is IMO no brainer. Just imagine the saving, performance and smile on your face .....knowing , what would cost you if you were going to find that kind of sound - in commercial designs.
I am not saying it is THE WAY, just something to think about or just another alternative.
I have had some very well known brands in my system (costing thousands of $) and I am telling you - I would be more then happy with SD speakers that are well design.
There are many SD speakers widely available form respected sources if DIY is not appealing to you. Auditioning quite a few, let me to believe that it is possible to build one with minimum trade offs. But keep in mind , NOT ALL are as good as the ones I have mentioned (YMMV) and there is plenty more that I have not heard yet.
So if you, or anyone for that matter is interested in this design - I would suggest some reading and most important - audition, audition, audition.
It is the only way to tell , if it is what you seek - MUSIC.
The pleasure was all mine.
Meeting you in person was something I planed on for quite some time now. You are in fact a stand up guy and passionate audiophile. Besides, I like someone who speak his mind with out reservations and sugar coating.
(please say hello to your other half and beautiful little princess. :))
As to experience with SD CarderSound speakers, yes they sure are more then meets the eye. Sound wise - I would definitely be proud to have this sound quality in my own system. Bass was more the satisfying, soundstage was first class on TyBones. Madison, excel in bass reproduction but expecting the same image and soundstage from 8" driver as the TyBone's 4 1/4"-er is simply impossible. Both awesome speaker.
I have express my concerns with this kind of design.
No, it has nothing to do with they way they sound.
It is the size and WAF, which for some may or may not be an issue.
Hearing Jeff's speakers for the second time made me curious about the possibilities of this approach (SD double horn design).
So much , that I am more then anxious to build the similar speakers for my own pleasures.
There are some issues that I would like to point out to Jeff and I will do that privately....it will hopefully make his life easier....in a long run.
The enclosures are definitely not difficult (but can be) to build but as the product that will have to satisfy all but the most discriminating customers, there is room for improvements (build, tech, appearance wise - sound wise there are no issues).
Ones again pleasure to meet you Joe and congrats to Jeff for wonderful speakers - Bravo.
Kijanki & Mapman
Measurements and state of the art equipment is more then welcome for big name companies, and I hope it will reflect in the quality and sound of the END product.
But keep in mind that all of the expenses are pass on to YOU - the client.
That is why the Revel top models will never be priced to meet the budget of regular JOE. It does make perfects sense though if one wants a ready product with good resell value and second to non cosmetics.
I have never imply that DIY speakers can shamed top speaker designs (commercially available).
What can be achieved , is the very close to live music reproduction that can make you stop looking for more.
Take all the benefits of SD design and possibility of do it it yourself (if your are persistent enough) and it is IMO no brainer. Just imagine the saving, performance and smile on your face .....knowing , what would cost you if you were going to find that kind of sound - in commercial designs.
I am not saying it is THE WAY, just something to think about or just another alternative.
I have had some very well known brands in my system (costing thousands of $) and I am telling you - I would be more then happy with SD speakers that are well design.
There are many SD speakers widely available form respected sources if DIY is not appealing to you. Auditioning quite a few, let me to believe that it is possible to build one with minimum trade offs. But keep in mind , NOT ALL are as good as the ones I have mentioned (YMMV) and there is plenty more that I have not heard yet.
So if you, or anyone for that matter is interested in this design - I would suggest some reading and most important - audition, audition, audition.
It is the only way to tell , if it is what you seek - MUSIC.