Single driver speakers - opinions

1.Design - what is IYO the best design and why?
2.Sound - How would you describe the sound in comparison to other speaker designs?
3.Amplification - what works and what doesn't?
4.Is the WAF stopping your from moving in that direction?
What do you like or dislike about SD spks?
DIY v.s Commercial designs - Pros and Cons.

Feel free to express yourself and your thoughts about the Single Driver design speakers in this thread.

Ideas, your projects, pics, experiances are all fun and welcome.

From my experiance with at least two SD commercial design that actually worked like a charm, I have to say that I am seriously concidering it as my next DIY project.

Awesome speakers when done right.

The F200 by Bob Brines that I heard was very rough in the H-F and also required notch filter for nasty breakup. Any cheap $5.00 tweeter would beat it, IMHO. I would need more clarity to understand how every 4 inch is worse than any 8 inch, except for bass and dynamics, of course.
Take a good 4", use it in a small room, treated with C37 and EnABL'd and you have something very close to "audiophile" quality bass flat into the 40's. Again IMHO. Plus much better dispersion and soundstage than any eight inch. Horses for courses I guess.
I can't comment on the sound quality of 4" cones, I do own though Fostex 6" FE168Sigmas in BLH, as well as the 8" F200a. As I listen to both every day, the F200a is way way better than the 6".IMHO.
Cdc just how many 8in full range designs have you've owned? And slapping a coating on a cheap driver doesn't make it better this kind of so call modded drivers will have reduced performance if one really understands transducer or cone design. Paying so much for a driver that's worse than stock is one of the big rip offs in audio today. More weight on cone might lower bass but would reduce treble, midrange, reduce peak SPL ,driver is now slower. These mods dont address the cheap stamped frames, cheap surrounds, cheap magnets, small cone area that fe126e sports. After all f200a has a massive powerful alnico magnet a milled basket as good as they can get, goes stamped or plastic= cheap, cast or injected metal basket= better, milled from solid block at massive cost but much more stable = the best type, also f200a has far more advanced cone material over fe126e And since its 8in can play much louder and lower, fe126e hits break up far before any 8in, trebles far better on f200a if used with no filter proper cabs, than fe126e. Most any loudspeaker manufacturer or designer can have a transducer company proper mod drivers or build driver as complete custom. Average DIY types using coatings on cheap drivers than pricing such up. Is almost as bad as the polished rocks and magic clocks.. Better to buy a more costly original equipment driver than let any self proclaimed expert muck one up so. So CDC a c37 or enabled 4 1/2in better than f200a, SEAS exotic, PHY ,fe208e sigma fe168e sigma. AER Lowther ya right I got some swamp land for you enabled guys its c37 treated. Ever priced a c37 treated Lowther talk about no resale value. And if such tweaks do make drivers so much better than anything else Fostex or anyone else offers don't you think the transducer designers who brought you banana pulp hyperbolic perabaloadal cones hd surrounds t500amk2,triple Alnico mag t90aex,w300a2, w400a 2, fe206esr or yes even the lowly fe126e would know that a bit of old c37 would so greatly improve fe126e besting all there work....This modded drivers just a way for a schmuck to make a buck...A way for manufactures to offer cheaper drivers while telling everyone there fe126e is so much better than anyone elses thus the cost. And the f200a sounded poor because of its notch filter....You may take this as a attack but its honest advice. I design with most all full ranges as well as many other transducers. c37 been around a long time guys been treating cones for the worse since the 60s. Nothing new. Ive built 6 designs for fe126e alone. And yes Ive heard enabled thus my post. And the wee 4 1/2in do 1 thing better than the larger full ranges of quality they cost far less so if you paid more for c37 you got took. Many who can not afford the good stuff delude themselves into thinking what they purchased is better. Good for the ego but bad for others when this wrong info gets passed about as fact. Face it when most hear wee 4 1/2in full range loudspeakers they dont like them why most of the posts saying full range performance is weak no bass or treble can only play simple music at low volumes are from folks who experienced the small wide bands. I do disagree with them a fe126e can make for a wonderful loudspeaker in its price range. But its not the ford escort that bests the Mercedes super car. Would be great for all in this hobbie if this was true but its not and just saying its true doesn't make it so.
Have to agree with JohnK on this one. I have both Fostex 126E and 206E speakers, and there is no way the 126E gives a better soundstage – granted in my case the 206E is in a much more expensive cabinet but the 206E provides better delicacy, detail, soundstage, bass etc. The 126E is simply outclassed.

John, what is your opinion of Lowther drivers? I am sort of toying with the idea of trying an 8" Lowther (EX4), mostly due to its higher sensitivity and that I can obtain then with a nominal impedance of 15ohm.

If you need the sensitivity and impedance of near 16ohm. Lowthers are a good way to go. If you don't need both SEAS exotic is amazingly good. For lowther pm4a new cone sounded best to my ears.