Next up... new speakers...

For better or worse, my approach to building my system has been to progressively upgrade one component at a time as budget permits, working from the front end to the speakers and then looping back to the front end again.

When I last upgraded speakers some 9-10 years ago, the B&W N805s I chose were the strongest "link" in the chain... now, maybe not so much. :) The current system:

Cary 306 -> BAT VK-30 -> Ayre V5x -> B&W N805 + REL Stadium

Interconnects are Cardas Golden Cross XLR, speaker wires are Cardas Neutral Reference.

Now I have "the bug" again... the N805s have served me well, but its time to move on. Something more full range would be nice.

The room I'm working with is pretty large -- 20x27, a vaulted ceiling (14' at side walls, 17' at center), with one 20' end open to another 14x24 room.

I'm looking for suggestions for speakers to audition that would be synergistic with rest of the system, that can "energize" this large space.

Musical tastes run the gamut from rock to blues to jazz to classical, so one-trick ponies need not apply.

Budget... mid-to-hi 4 figures. What would *you* suggest?
Ohm 200, 300 or Walsh 5 series 3 would do the trick. Nothing I know of near the price can "energize the room" better.
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There's an Eggelston Rosa for sale on the gon right now that would be a good match. No affiliation with the seller what so ever. I used to own these speakers... they are fantastic and alot of speaker for the money at this price.
If I had a big room, and being willing to buy used, I would go for the Dyn C4's. When I had a 20x40 space that opened onto the rest of the house, that's exactly what I had. You would ultimately want to upgrade the amp, but they are really a great pair of speakers. Of course, even used, they'd be pushing your "upper 4 figures" budget.
Go for another Brit speaker.I sold B&W's for 6 years and think pair of 803S would really flip your switches.You could look for upscale monitor like ATC (used in many studios and Brit),Italian Sonus Fabers,JM Lab Utopia so you can use sub.But if you dug the 805 then a pair of 803S (or used $0K 803D which go as low as original 802N) would blow your mind.ATC is expensive but great (used i many studios and Brit).A great value brand is Usher.Used Revel Studios.Think also if you mght want to go 5.1.If so lower price and get high value return speaker like Usher,Totem,Gallo, .I like Silverline and Hyperion as they can be ru with low power and give good return.But would have helped if you mentioned some other brands you heard and folks could say "then try "X".But be careful as a speaker you might like may require a lot of power.I never recommended the big B&W's unless someone had 200 watts because though they were rated a high sensitivity 90db they had nasty impedance dip that required current.Re-post and tell what you liked.Red some online audio reviews.I like and their "Blue Moon" awards.Somes tuff might be worth hunting for.I hear intriguing things about Emerald CS-2 with built in DSP.For imaging monitors are usually best bet( and you have great sub) so what about JM Lab Mini Utopias?New kid on block Mark & Daniel get big buzz.Get out to shops make your own critques and then get back and say "what else is in this clas or has "X" typer of sound".