Dynaudio Confidence C1: looking for speaker cable.

I am working in a new system. I´ve just bought a pair of Dynaudio C1 to use with Goldmund pre and power amp. (SRP-2.3 and SR-2.3)
Now I have to buy speaker cables. As I saw, Dynaudio still recomend Ocos speaker cables, but it´s very rare to see Ocos here in Audiogon.
If you have Dynaudio Confidence series, please let me know your experience with the speaker cables.
I had the S1.4, and tried Kimber, Signal, and DH Labs.

They all sounded the same. I'd look into Signal cable or Blue Jeans cable to find some well built cables that sound just as good as anything else.
My dynaudio dealer swears by nordost valhalla. He has simaudio components and it sounds fantastic. I however demoed the baldur and didnt really care for it. I am running a bryston b100 int amp with a merdian G08. I believe my bryston is more forward sounding than the simaudio which could explain my dislike with the nordost.
I had very good results using the Synergistic Research Tesla Accelerators when I had C1's, and the Precision Reference would be even better.