Unfortunately Wader, right now I don't have a Klipsch set up or any set up. I recently sold my HT, quit my job, and went back to college. I'm a starving student now (just kidding) and can't afford the finer things anymore. When I was stationed on the USS Enterprise, we used a Promedia 5.1 system running off a Sound Blaster External sound card from optical inputs from PS2 and that was good for our tiny shop. When I built my HT, the RF series sounded consistantly better than the other demos at the local HT store. I didn't have the cash to lay down then and worked up from bose to infinity to the SVS system which is what I sold before going back to school. My opinion remains that Klipsch speakers just sound more 'real' or 'there' than the competition all things being equal. I'm rebuilding again but this time I'm going to go modular with separates starting with two channel and working up. I'm thinking the new Oppo BD 83 running analog outs to a multichannel pre-amp and one of the new Rotel class D amps to Klipsch RB-81s.