best loudspeakers for full Gryphon system

I'm a new forumer: wander, from Italy (sorry in advance for my poor english...) . I'm going to buy new loudspeakers to be matched with a full Gryphon chain: Mikado CD player, Sonata Allegro preamplifier, Antileon Signature Stereo power amplifier.
Which loudspeakers do you think would be a good match? I listen to rock and classical music, the listening room is not too big: roughly
15 x 15 x 9 ft.
I'm looking at ProAc D80, Tannoy yorkminster, B&W 800D, Wilson Audio Sophia II... other suggestions?

many thanks!!

The Rockport has been paired with the Gryphon with great success, although I have only heard Gryphon preamp and digital
with the Antare's. I have heard the Rockport on a few occasion's, and it is a great speaker. Clearly the one for me if I could afford it. In a room that size, maybe the Mira which is priced in the Sophia range at around 15K. He also has one called the Ankaa at around 26K. I may have the spelling wrong on that one.
Good luck with the Gryphon system.

Other recommendations:

Avalon Indra 18k
Sonus Faber Elipsa 20k
Sonus Faber Cremona M 12k
Vienna Acoustics The Music 27k
Verity Parsifal Ovation 20k
wanderb...any of the speakers you've named will be an effective match with your gear. its really more about the charactor of each of your picks, and your room. of the top of my head, the proac is the best allrounder of the four, but at these respective pricepoints, its pretty hard to buy a disappointing pair of speakers.
Definitely check out planar-magentic type speakers- Magnepan, Podium Sound, Inner Sound,...