Anyone heard the Gryphon Trident?

Hi, I am researching on these speakers, which are self-powered below 250hz. Can't seem to find a review.
Would appreciate feedbacks from folks who have heard or owned them.
You didn't sound impressed. I don't know what gears were used with the Gryphon speakers at Munich show...i imagine they were Gryphon's own electronics. The Gryphon Trident's in-built amps should be Gryphon's own, though not likely class A operation. How is the Lohengrin?
the Gryphon boot at the Munich show was indeed all out Gryphon and so far as i can remember showed the 3 or 4 way speakers with the Antileon poweramp. but i'm not 100% sure.
don't interpret my words as an absolute, it was a mere impression as usual at show demoes.
the Lohengrin is a love affair, it's a relationship in which i discover new things everytime.
they touch move and inspire me totally.
they are endless.

i think you can be 'impressed' in many ways.. but if it doesn't reach to the heart it will likely be sold again, and so we see a huge market in highend audio.
Only speaker playing at the unich show was the Atlantis. Trident and the rest of the line was on static display at 1st. floor.
that may likely be a trap which you could fall into, thinking that as long the bass is powered with a 1KW class D amplifier, you can power the rest with an 18 watt SET anytime.
have experienced many speakers which were self powered on the bass and such systems needed superb power for the 'top' too in the end.
i never experienced bi-amping with big transistors on bass and tubes on top as beeing correct to wholeness in time domain.
the "adequately driven" is something you can interpret..