if you learn on your own without any assistance from others, you will make some mistakes and be dissatisfied , at times.
if you follow the advice and opinions of others, you will make mistakes and perhaps be disappointed with your purchases, as well.
there is no evidence that making decisions based upon what others say is any more rewarding than making your own decisions.
in this case, the results of any decision are not predictable, so you might as well buy any speaker, so long as it can be be resold with a minimum loss to you.
if you follow the advice and opinions of others, you will make mistakes and perhaps be disappointed with your purchases, as well.
there is no evidence that making decisions based upon what others say is any more rewarding than making your own decisions.
in this case, the results of any decision are not predictable, so you might as well buy any speaker, so long as it can be be resold with a minimum loss to you.