Tube preamp with SS amps and Emerald Physics cs2?

I have read that solid state power amps (such as the Wyred4Sound amps) work well with these speakers. How would a high quality tubed preamp (say Shindo or Leben) sound with such a set-up? Would it match well and give the anticipated benefits of the preamp (shindo) sound, or would it be a poor match and a mask the quality of the preamp? In other words, would it let a high-quality tubed preamp shine fully? (Don't know too much about how DSP and/or solid state power amps would affect the sound.) Thanks.
Walter told me at RMAF that the speakers DO NOT like tube amps.

The CS1 is a much better speaker and worth seeking out.

I am not a SS guy but I have to admit the sound coming from this setup with the amps and speakers held me in the room.
If you go with a tube pre it needs to be a fully balanced design so as to match up properly with the active XO, and W4S MC amp. Vincent just introduced a reasonbly priced fully balanced tube pre.
The DSP, I believe does an A/D conversion of the preamp out, does its DSP thing and then does a D/A conversion back for the power amps. I haven't heard the speakers, but wonder why the A/D D/A doesn't happen before the preamp or why it doesn't just take (can't just take) the digital output of a dac and do the manipulation there. Of course,that last scenario precludes analogue input. All in all, I am certainly intrigued by the speakers but I just don't understand--at least in the two reviews Ive read of them--the double conversion is talked up more as a really significant possible source of sound degradation--especially since the Behringer device they use sells for less that $500. If the chips in the device are good enough to preserve subtlities of preamp differences, then I would think they would be good enough to wipe out the need for any dac more expensive than it ( or the Behringer 24/96 without the xover functions)--and that would include the benchmark dac which is perceived as great and cheap. I understand that my response does nothing to answer your questions. I would be interested in how you tought these speakers sound. Thanks.
I can't see why you would go wrong with a pair of Red Wine Audio Signature 30.2 amplifiers, which should be synergistic with the CS2s. A Red Wine Audio Isabella preamp would be icing on the cake. I understand that Emerald Physics provide XLR-to-RCA cables.