2-way vs. 3-way

What would be the advantage and disadvantage of a 2-way floorstanding speaker versus a 3-way floorstanding speaker?
Chad - I feel pretty sure my speakers are better than the 4430 but that isn't really what I was getting at with my question to you. I thought you were pretty dismissive of Ditusa without explaining why you felt he was mistaken or which other speaker you would consider superior.

I'm finding out that a lot of vintage stuff holds its own very nicely when compared to today's supposed state of the art. There are also many cases of early products being reworked with new materials and modern technological advantages to perform beyond our wildest dreams. The Saskia Turntable is an excellent example.

We should not assume too quickly that older equipment is automatically inferior to the recommended components.
It is the entire "Best on the planet" that I take issue with, it doesnt matter if its old or new, from ADS to Wilson............best on the planet is an opinion and I dont agree.
Ask Dit to explain why and how they are without a doubt the "best speakers on the planet".
The planet is a big place.

My guess is the young man has not heard many speakers.


He's posted into 13 threads and every single post is a shill job for JBL.

That demonstrates a remarkable lack of experience.

Note to Ditusa: you are far too irrelevant to affect my business.

Thanks for your comments. I agree that things have improved since this landmark design.

One thing I was curious as to what is the difference between a flat chested bi-radial horn and a Dolly Parton bi-radial horn ;-)

Does one horn sound more chesty perhaps?

What causes the 3% distortion in the upper midrange treble -is that the horn itself ringing or something else?