What is the best full range Speaker ?

I am starting out and have budgeted approx. $5k - $7k for speakers (with approx. $3k for an amp.) with a focus on the midrange. I am considering used/new Legacy Focus. Any help would be appreciated.



Oh what would I give to have the unique talent of seeing digits that are not there, especially on my bank statement.

....Jose Cuervo used to do that for me. Trust me on this one, that'll get ya into more trouble than it'll get ya out of. Banks just have no sense of humor.

I know that one for sure. They told me once I was overdrawn. Out of funds completely!

I told them that was impossible, I still had checks!

it was all Jose's fault. Well, that and some Timothy Leary leftovers. :-)
I would like to thank you all for your support/suggestions. I went with the Legacy Whispers.
I've auditioned Legacy Focus, Legacy Classics, Energy Veritas, B&W 804N, Klipsch, Aerial, Paradigm Ref100v2, B&W 801N, and the one I ended up buying is a used pair of B&W 801N. They amazed me every time I listen to them. Given enough juice, Mac 501 monos in my case, they'll do wonder across wide range of music.