First Trip outside of Best Buy, a real newbie.

I am a commoner; I have never been to a real stereo store until this weekend. The big box of Best Buy was all I ever knew.

I went out with my wife, Music Librarian with a Phd in Music who has been happy with her 1980’s Denon but the CD recently player broke on our system. I talked to a friend who loves audio and wanted something I have never heard of called. . . Magnaplaners?

Me I love beauty and things that last, I brought my Claudio Arrau Beethoven Emperor movement 3 DDD disk to test some stuff with and Clara Nunes a great Brazilian singer.

First we hit a place that had some “Maggies” to see and hear for the first time. We walked in, I told them I have a big bonus check and I want to hear the Magnaplaners against the best other speakers you got. The lined up these huge 6 foot panels against some giant B&W box type speaker and plugged these Mark Levinson power blocks. I stuffed in the Beethoven into a Classes CD player that would probably kill my whole bonus.

The Maggies took up this awesome Piano piece and the speakers just disappeared. It was an airy and transparent sound that was not really powerful but beautiful. We compared the B&W and it sounded boxy in immediate comparison. We played a bunch of stuff, but at the first place I was impressed by the Magnaplaners.

Then we went to another shop that had Kef and Spendor. My wife immediately liked the Spendor S9. It was pretty nice, It had a punchy quality but did not have the clarity of the maggies, but good all around power. Then we heard some Kef 207 / 2. The owner cranked up the volume so I am not sure it was fair, but Beethoven was totally epic with some soaring highs. I told the Kef guy that I also listened to the Maggies. He said the Maggies were too specialized and would not work as an all around solution.

I am going to spend another 2-4 weeks working this out and then spend my bonus on a new system. I think I want a good 2 channel system that I can use with my TV. From the thread it sounds like 5 of 7 channel is not worth it.

So what to get? Where to go from here? What will fit in my space well?

My home is open, modern with lots of glass, but small. Where I will put the new system will be in a long thin room. About 12 feet wide and 30 feet long. It is open to other areas of the house and is both a living room and dining room.

I want something beautiful that will last a long time. I loved the Maggies for being invisible, but I also loved the Spendor and Kefs for being powerful.

My house is small and I plan to use the new system as a stereo and 2 channel home theatre.

Thanks for whatever advice you want to give me,
I would highly advise you to look at Green Mountain Speakers. I have a small room that is acoustically difficult to place speakers in. I have had a number of "box" speakers with mediocre results. After falling for a pair of Maggies when I bought my Monarchy DAC, I spent months researching what to buy. There was no way I could get a decent placement in the room with Maggies. They need to be placed far into the room (4 ft) and away from walls.

So after months of research, I happened to read a bunch of review of Green Mountain Speakers and became convinced that the time/phase coherent sound was worth a shot. I bought a set of used Europa's and feel they have all the good qualities of planar's without the size and placement problems. Since they minimize reflected sound through the design, they are not as finicky about placement.

Anyway, if you want to avoid large panels and still get the sound, try them - there are other time/phase coherent speakers on the market as well - search "Green Mountain" on the forums for more info.
I wouldn't presume to tell you what to buy, but FWIW the speakers you heard and described will sound nothing like they did at in the dealers showroom when you get them home. NOTHING! If you have high-quality experience expectations from your purchases you will have to be a bit more specific, and realistic, about what your listening conditions are (going to be).

If you are listening to the speakers from a triangulated set up, then either could work but the panel types would require a lot of space between them and the walls behind them to sound as good as can be, say about 5 feet. But the good new is they can go closer to the side walls as they have a radiation pattern that allows this. But, the back wave can be a problem and you have to put diffusive materiels on the walls behind the speakers for optimum performance. And the non critical listening spot can be wide enuf for 2.

If that intimidates you, boxes are best. They can go closer to the wall behind them without creating major issues, but they need to be further away from side walls - how much depends what is on the walls near the speaker and how much you can toe in the speaker to avoid side wall refelctions.

If you are looking for a listening position less specific, for two or three people, you might consider omni type speakers which will give up a little clarity/specificity that you get in an optimup set up for panels for boxes, but you get a much larger sense of a sound in your room. Some folks really like them. They have set up issues as well.

So there, no answers, just something to think about. Sorry about that.
Well it sounds like you're heading in the right direction. I'm fairly fiscally conscious, but still full of lust for things I can't really afford. My best advice is to figure out what your budget is and work within it. Going into a high-end store and saying "I have a big bonus check" can easily get you listening to stuff you may really want but will blow your budget BIG TIME ;~)

Also see if you can't find a group in your area that brings people interested in this hobby together. It could give you a chance to see what other people have put together. Then you can peruse the classifieds here to purchase items used for far less than they'd cost you new.

This past weekend I got together with a group of 20+ like minded audio geeks at one group members home, and we all ate, had a glass of wine or beer, and enjoyed listening to the home owners rig. It exposed me to equipment I likely would never have a chance to hear without a sales pitch.

Good luck, and welcome to the addiction ;~)
Find a local Thiel dealer and listen to the CS-2.4.
Also be sure to consider room treatments like those from ASC. This can have a HUGE effect on your overall result and the side walls will be critical in your room.
I am happy to offer additional advice by e-mail if needed.