
All, there is some info here on some of Daedalus' larger models. Anybody have the DA-RMa monitor? I'm wondering if anyone has experience and any feedback on these.
And just to round things out, there is a "glowing" review of the Da-Rma's in the current issue of stereotimes.com e-zine.

Regardless of all these reviews, anyone who buys speakers without giving them a long listen first is simply rolling the dice.


Per your 6/22/09 post, I would like to hear your comments regarding the "... differences and value of the different models ..."


"07-07-09: Sparkomatic

Per your 6/22/09 post, I would like to hear your comments regarding the "... differences and value of the different models ..."

I tried to post this before but it didn't go up?

All four models in the line use the same drivers and basic components, of course each systems crossover is unique to it but even those are all of a similar design. I'll try to describe the basic differences in each model.

The DA-1.1 and DA-2.1 have a very wide sweet spot so they are well suited for HT use, but they also image more than well enough to be good two channel speakers. The DA-1.1 has a slightly warmer sound (the emphasis is on 'slightly'), than the others due to the balance of two 8" handing off to one 5" mid. This sound is a little closer to the 'Harbeth" sound. I think the DA-2.1 is a great choice for a home with sub(s) that will be doing video as well as two-channel.

The DA-RMa has better imaging and depth of stage and possibly a slightly better resolution in the midrange than the DA-1.1 &2.1, but the sweet spot is similar in size to most high end audio speakers unlike the 1.1&2.1 which have an almost room size sweet spot. The Ulysses is a bigger overall sound than the DA-RMa with more bass extension as well as a deeper slightly more detailed image. It just takes everything to the limit as a flagship system should.

So to answer the value question is difficult as that is very subjective. In terms of budget and application, I have customers with any of these who consider their choice to be a 'value'.

I hope this helps
