Widening Soundstage

Question for the Audiophile Experts

How do I go about widening my soundstage without moving my speakers further apart
I like the imaging i'm getting but want a bit more air in the music
Any ideas how to proceed
Check out my systems page for details on positioning and equipment
If your speakers are toed-in try them more straight on. Like Shadorne also suggested either move the speakers back a bit or your chair to be farther away.
The thing I have found with difficult rooms is you can either invest in treatments and go to great length to fight the room that you have to live and listen in or you can adapt the strategy of letting the room work for you rather than against you.

My conclusion from having used both omnis, planars and conventional box designs in various shapes and sizes of rooms over the years is that omnis will fill the room with sound more evenly and with greater ease for you in assymetrical rooms than more directional designs.

Thats not to say that placement doesn't matter with omnis because it does, but omnis just tend to work with the room more naturally than do more directional designs.

The OHms are acatually not completely omni, the top is covered by a more conventional wide dispersion soft dome tweeter angled inwards 45 degrees, which helps retain the naturally wide soundstage of the omni Walsh driver that covers the rest.

The soundstage almost always naturally extends completely to the side walls both left and right even if the speakers are placed more closely together and located either significantly right or left of center.

Toeing the OHMs outward to point the tweeter more directly towards the listening position can be used to reduce the width of the natural wide soundstage if needed. When properly set up a couple or few feet from the rear wall, the sound stage will also typically extend back well beyond the rear wall on good recordings.
If you read my systems page the dimensions of the room and postioning is noted please have a look
Looking forward to hearing your input on the subject

Thanks to the other posters for providing your suggestions
Put some casters on your chair and pull it up for near-field listening. Push it back when you're done to allow ingress/egress.

In general it looks like your listening position is to close to the back wall. Move everything forward.

Try a slight outward speaker toeing.

Good luck and let us know what works!