Omnis are worth thinking about. At your stated price point, I'd suggest a used pair of MBL 101s. This is a different (and striking) sounding speaker.
Some folks feel that they're acceptably neutral in balance, but they may also sound (to others) a bit mid bass heavy and forward through the presence region (as they do to me). If this is the case, consider a pre-amp with room correction (like the Integra pre-pro), and you'll still be about on-budget.
If you're looking for a different flavor, this will provide it. Obviously, auditioning would be a good idea. A variation on the theme would be a biamped Ohm/subwoofer system like I use. The MBL is a more dramatic sounding system than the Ohm+subs, but it is more expensive and less neutral (IMHO).
For your budget, MBLs (with or without correction) would seem to be appropriate. For my money, moving from the Ohms to the MBLs isn't really justifiable. I have thought about this one, but never quite pulled the trigger on the expenditure and doubt that I ever will.
Omnis are worth thinking about. At your stated price point, I'd suggest a used pair of MBL 101s. This is a different (and striking) sounding speaker.
Some folks feel that they're acceptably neutral in balance, but they may also sound (to others) a bit mid bass heavy and forward through the presence region (as they do to me). If this is the case, consider a pre-amp with room correction (like the Integra pre-pro), and you'll still be about on-budget.
If you're looking for a different flavor, this will provide it. Obviously, auditioning would be a good idea. A variation on the theme would be a biamped Ohm/subwoofer system like I use. The MBL is a more dramatic sounding system than the Ohm+subs, but it is more expensive and less neutral (IMHO).
For your budget, MBLs (with or without correction) would seem to be appropriate. For my money, moving from the Ohms to the MBLs isn't really justifiable. I have thought about this one, but never quite pulled the trigger on the expenditure and doubt that I ever will.