Dynaudio sub with C1's

I was wondering if a Dyn sub with the C1's would sound similar to the C4's as far as the bass is concerned? For me there is something special regarding the Dyn bass. I listen near field and as much as I love the C4's they are too large for my listening area. I've demoed the C2's in my home and they are the largest I can go but still there isn't quite enough bass. Currently I use a Rel B3 (I don't have a sub out) and although the bass is very good to me it sounds a little slow for the Dyn's.
Oh, and I had been thinking that a sub upgrade for me would be either to a bigger REL or to a JL Audio sub. I would love to hear from Dynaudio owners who have tried different kinds of subs.
Dhaskins - I am using a Bryston B100 which does lack some power for the C2's but not that bad. As far as the sim I got my C1's from Tyler and he has a sim stack. BTW Tyler is the best dealer I have ever done any business with. Yeah great set up but too way out of my price range. In fact Tyler just picked up the Naim line which was a thought for replacing the Bryston (sx and suoernait have a sub out). I heard the bottom of the line Naim CD and intergrated with the Sapphire's and was shocked how good it sounded. I've requested a demo (Naim XS and Supernait with and without the flatcap P/S) with Tyler. Any day now. I may ask Mick T if he will loan Tyler a Dyn Sub 300 and 500 so I can hear the difference.

Hi Tom - I know what you are saying and 1 little trick that really helped the Rel was using only the front spikes (wasn't using any spikes before). I've relocated the sub and readjusted the settings - many many times - and like always I think I have it sounding the best. Again I'm looking for the C4 bass sound without spending the $$ and again the C4's wont deliver the sound they are capable of due to my room.

Thanks again for the responses
Drubin - Yes I do run the Rel off the amp (high level). The Dyn subs wont do high level. I did compare the Rel with JL audio but with sonus faber's creamora's and auditor's and thought the Rel was more musical. I like a musical system.

Shadone - I agree with what you said about Dynaudio's line up and is why I started this post. I am hoping to achieve a C4 sound using C1's in a near field listening situation. C1's and the Rel B3 sound very very good - but the C4 sound is better (I just can't have C4's).
Seems like you might need to high pass the C1's or C2's in order to realize what you get in a C4, so as to more closely mimic the crossover scheme in the C4.
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