Gallo Reference 3.0/3.1 vs. Usher CP6311

I'm having a hard time finding a pair of Gallo 3.0/3.1 to audition. I'm very intrigued by their design and specs and would like to know how they would compare to my current speakers, Usher CP6311. I would imagine that they sound completely different, but are the Gallos all they are cracked up to be? I realize this is very subjective, but I'm interested in hearing from those of you that have heard both speakers.
I can't tell you where to audition these in CA, but I can address your other question, "are the Gallos all they are cracked up to be?"

I've been doing hifi for some time, and owned quite a few speakers, some in the 10k+ range, and when properly setup, the gallos leave little to be desired compared to the other speakers I've had.

For me, they play in the level of the average $8-$10k speaker. IMHO, they have the midrange transparency comparable to Maggies, but with the dynamics and bass control of large dynamic speakers. Their imaging and staging are also some of the best in the industry before you get to megabuck prices. Their highs are also quite unique, and have a visceral quality that I haven't heard in any other speaker.

On the other hand, if you prefer something more warm like a Sonus Faber, you may not like them. They are more in the fast/neutral camp. If you have a live setup, you may need to address the room. If you have bright electronics, the Gallos will not hide this.

If the setup is right, though, I think they are pretty unbeatable for anywhere near the price. I bought a brand new pair a few months back. You might want to snatch a pair up quickly, because they are being discontinued, and the replacement model (3.5) is close to $6k.

FYI, the 3.1s will be upgradeable to the 3.5s.
Thanks for the responses. There is a local dealer in San Jose, but they only had the little micros in stock. There is another dealer in SF that I will check with.
The move from the Ushers to the Gallos is pretty much a lateral move, both very fine speakers for the money.
Probably got the Ushers from Audible Arts.
The Analogue Room has Sonus Faber, much warmer than the other two speakers.