Best amps for Totem hawks?? please help

Can someone recommend a good Integrated amp with these speakers...I am having trouble driving them.I Prefer a European amp if possible as I know some will tell me to go buy a Krell or Bryston. I hate those amps. too dynamic and stale.

Please advise.
The best I ever heard the Hawks sound was with Totem's own amp. It's an ugly thing, shaped like a half-cylinder, and I want to say it cost around $5000, but it had a rich yet delicate sound. I also understand that it's a relatively rare amp.

I heard it at that same dealer with a DK integrated, which was OK but not exceptional. I found an NAD integrated to be surprisingly good. I currently use a Jolida 302b with my Hawks to good effect. You might also want to try a Plinius 8100 or 8200.

The only amp that I've listed thus far that's European, though, is the NAD. (I forget which model, but it was one of their better integrateds.) I haven't heard the combination, but perhaps one of the Electrocompaniet or Musical Fidelity (such as A3cr or A3.2cr) integrateds would serve you.

What have you tried so far? That info may keep us from making unneeded recommendations.
Nothing stale about the Portal Panache. I drove the Totem model 1s with it and it was sweet with plenty of punch. Can't speak to the hawks as I've never heard them.