Inexpensive high efficiency bookshelf speakers


Can you please suggest some inexpensive ( <$1000) high efficiency (about 95 dB) bookshelf or small floor standing speakers ?
Thank you
Sequerra MET 7 Mk VI. I have the Mark II but its essentially the same design. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed these speakers. I replaced a pair of Vandersteen 2CEs as I had to travel to Africa to live and needed something portable. I was floored when I realized these little monitors were much better than the Vandys at about 1/10 their size.

Many folks will tell you that they regret selling their Sequerras. I think that Dick still sells them direct for $850 per pair. What a steal.

Get some good stands. I think they are relatively efficient...i use a 10 watt Sophia tube amp and they drive them to reasonable levels....although I don't listen too loudly.
Check out the Omega loudspeaker line up. Also the Coincident Triumphs. Then there's the older French Cabasse that come up for sale now and then.

The Sequerra are not all that efficient but in a similar vein, the Triangle loudspeakers are also potential candidates.
If price is an object the Sound Dynamics RTS 3s are still an amazing speaker for their modest size and price ($280 new and ~ $150 used on audigon).