Speaker recommendations

I have a Sota Comet TT, NAD cd, McCormack ALD and McCormack DNA.5. I want to upgrade my Klipsch KG4 speakers. I am considering Alon model II, Vandersteen 2CE sigs, Thiel 2.2 and others. I like good bass extension, airy highs and halographic imaging (who doesnt). I want used,easy to drive, easy to place speakers. Any recommendations or thoughts on my selections. Thanks.
Gallo Reference 3 seems like a good sonic choice. they may not be the easiest to drive though
Depends on your room. I run Vandersteen 2ce Sigs in my larger room with Classe Cd 1.5 and Classe CAP 151. The Classe powers them just fine. We wanted better speakers in the smaller room and realized that there was no way the larger Vandersteen's would work. Found the smaller Vandy 1c's on Audiogon and placed them in the smaller room with NAD (545 cd and 362 amp and a squeezebox. They were harder to place cos they can only be about 10 inches from the back wall. The bigger ones are able to have more space around them. Both sound great to us...
Have you considered something from the Klipsch Heritage series - many options, all of them much more inexpensive used than just about all of the above suggestions. I have the Cornwall's myself, but there are smaller sizes if you prefer or need that. And you can certainly drive horns with any amp out there.
Don't know the Alons, and Vandys might not be the easiest to place to get them to do their thing and may not be as airy sounding as some others out there. Should be a great match with the McCormack though.

Given your criteria the first thing that came to mind was Totem, but I'd also look at Audio Physics, Joseph Audio, Thiel (CS1.6 rather than 2 2), and Silverline. All have very good imaging and portrayal of air and space. Best of luck.