best WOOFER ???

pretty straight forward.

I've got to say one of the best I heard is the tannoy
10" RED.

Goes deeper than any other Tannoy, and seperates its self
from others by the hit/kick of bass drum with power at low

other great stereo woofers, volt 15", cabasse 21", focal audium 13". etc, ???
The Volt 15" is nice and so is the ATC SB100-375SC but a pair of either of these woofers will set you back close to $1500, which you can use up to around 500 you are looking at a costly speaker.

The TC Sounds LMS 18" Ultra at around $1500 for one unit is another serious driver.
TC Sounds LMS 18" Ultra is I guess the end of storey !

Is it a boom boom driver or high fidelity ?
FOSTEX FW800 31.5IN Super woofer 1 of the best about for bass below 200hz. $3200 ea for new model just released march 14 2009. I would also nominate the fostex w400a-hr $2550 ea. Can be used up to 1800hz. Massive alnico mag advanced design. Dont know of a better 15in.