A bigger sound stage may require that you listen farther back than usual.
When done right and listened to from a location with an amicable perspective, it should be a good thing.
There can be more separation between instruments or recording lines and more air and space within the soundstage which helps our ears pick up sonic cues that help flush out details and overtones better.
It can be like enlarging a photograph. With enough resolution to start with and accurate reproduction, patterns and details can be detected by our senses more easily.
When done right and listened to from a location with an amicable perspective, it should be a good thing.
There can be more separation between instruments or recording lines and more air and space within the soundstage which helps our ears pick up sonic cues that help flush out details and overtones better.
It can be like enlarging a photograph. With enough resolution to start with and accurate reproduction, patterns and details can be detected by our senses more easily.