Holy mo!
you guys been busy kicking your cans about.
Well, and so why not --- feels more close to ‘frightening’ than ‘relaxing’ quality for sure.
Now to that “semantics” bit:
i.e. “The study or science of meaning in language…”
OK, is somebody saying he doesn't understand the discourse, it’s meaning in language?
No problem, ask a QUESTION! ---- do not state a deconstructive opinion, as it will not answer, but rather just create more confusion.
“the meaning or the interpretation of a word, sentence, or other language form
connotation, definition, denotation, exegetics, explanation, explication, exposition, glossology, interpretation, semiology, semiotics, significs, symbiology, symbolism”
Hey, Mister! You sure want to burden our friendly exchange with all of THAT?!?
And lastly for all those that are familiar with Gottlieb Frege: (there are some fans of his out there, I know :-)
“For those in the logical tradition of semantics, modern semantics begins with Frege. In 'On Sense and Reference' Frege asked a deceptively simple question: how is it that a statement of the form 'a = b' can be informative, whereas a statement of the form 'a = a', being a truth of logic, can be known a priori?”
Right, I guess we might reconsider to keep that for some other thread? ----
Hell, and that was again an opinion! Can’t have that now, can’t we?!
Best regards,
PS: We might manage to get back to our friendly exchange of 'notions of import' (opinions?) Let's see...
you guys been busy kicking your cans about.
Well, and so why not --- feels more close to ‘frightening’ than ‘relaxing’ quality for sure.
Now to that “semantics” bit:
i.e. “The study or science of meaning in language…”
OK, is somebody saying he doesn't understand the discourse, it’s meaning in language?
No problem, ask a QUESTION! ---- do not state a deconstructive opinion, as it will not answer, but rather just create more confusion.
“the meaning or the interpretation of a word, sentence, or other language form
connotation, definition, denotation, exegetics, explanation, explication, exposition, glossology, interpretation, semiology, semiotics, significs, symbiology, symbolism”
Hey, Mister! You sure want to burden our friendly exchange with all of THAT?!?
And lastly for all those that are familiar with Gottlieb Frege: (there are some fans of his out there, I know :-)
“For those in the logical tradition of semantics, modern semantics begins with Frege. In 'On Sense and Reference' Frege asked a deceptively simple question: how is it that a statement of the form 'a = b' can be informative, whereas a statement of the form 'a = a', being a truth of logic, can be known a priori?”
Right, I guess we might reconsider to keep that for some other thread? ----
Hell, and that was again an opinion! Can’t have that now, can’t we?!
Best regards,
PS: We might manage to get back to our friendly exchange of 'notions of import' (opinions?) Let's see...