Size matters Smaller that is


Today I was at my local dealer listening to the most recent Sonus Faber Amati's. Wow what a beutiful speaker with quality exuding from everywhere. They were set up in the main listening room with Mcintosh 1.2"s and Mcintosh C1000T driving them, the source was also the reference Mcintosh player. The dealer put some Norah Jones on and off we went. I have to say that as good as the Amati's are to my ear they SLIGHTLY suffer from sounding a little closed in and boxy. By contrast my Sonus Faber Guarneri sound free, warm, and wonderfully open. This could be in part to my use of Mcintosh tube gear, but in general I find that larger speakers have to work very hard (Read expensive) to get out of there own way. I know no one speaker has it all, but in general I find that driven by first class electronics a smaller speaker is music to my ears. Where larger speakers also sound fantastic, but in general not as open and alive. Could also just be a Guarneri "Thing". My two cents anyway.

Sorry, don't agree with either of you. Small speakers can be incredible in certain aspects, don't get me wrong. Case in point being the newer Kudos C-10's, lovely in just so so many ways, and I could live with them if I had to, yet, they still have that small speaker imprint. I'd have to settle on one of its bigger siblings for the long haul. Same with any other smaller speaker I've heard. I play too great a variety of music for a small speaker.
But, if small works for you, and apparently many many others, that's great!
Good observation Nocaster. That is why I paired my Dali Helicon 300s with
exceptional components (McIntosh tube gear... but it could be numerous
companies with great tube components) to help provide the great listening

Yeah I don't have the deep bass. Do I miss authority in the bottom end with kick
drum? Sure- on some songs. The sound is dynamic, detailed and warm with
great depth from a smallish speaker. Synergy is also key to making it right.

Chashas1 eventually I will get a larger full range speaker like Avalon Indra or
Magico V3. But for right now I'm staying with the small speaker with great tube