Vandersteen with?

A couple of questions and an observation. How do you think the Vandersteen 3A signatures would do with Parasound A51 or 5250 amp? Would be used in my room which is 18' w by 30' long. No side wall issues, just the short back wall. The room on one side opens into a similar size space. I am not sure the 2ce Signatures would be enough? My one problem is considering how to convince the wife to ignore the the look of these speakers! They are not something to look at, but sound great. Any ideas on overcoming this? Thinking of the HDP 70 as the processor.
Would you consider the Definitive Technology BP7001c similar?
My observation was listening to a parasound a21 powering the Vandersteen 2ce signature. Brought some cd's, Yellow Jackets "Blue Hat", Acoustic Alchemy, and Hendrix "Bold as Love". Listened to various tracks and they sounded great! Hendrix's "Up from the Skies" was amazingly clear and spacious! Next listened to system using B&W 804"s. Love the look, but I preferred the sound of the V's better. Any other brands you would recommend? thanks.

Joe in Mobile
You already have received good advice so I will just add to it. I agree that the Def Techs are not even close and agree that Joseph Audio and Vienna are good substitutions.

If you go with the V's I don't think Parasound is the best match but it is safe. I would look at Odyssey or Electrocompineit. (miss spelled)

Another great speaker that requires a REL sub to compete is the Intuitive Design Summit, Delta Summit, or Gamma Summit. I heard the Summit which is their entry speaker beat out the 5A Sigs.and only sell for $5200 with stands but you must put a REL with it.
I have the Parasound A21 paired with Vandersteen 3a sigs. in a 25 X 30 foot room and it sounds great. I tried the Vandersteens with the Parasound A23 and it did not sound good at all. I also have listened a lot to the 3as powered by the Parasound JC1s and this is a wonderful combination.
So Dhel, you think the 250w per ch vice 125w per ch made that much difference? I am leaning that way also. Just looking for confirmation? Did you use a sub with yours? If so, what type? thanks. Does the wife like the looks of them?

Joe in Mobile