Best floorstanders under $600

I'm looking at Monitor Audio BR5's and Wharfedale 9.6's. I like Evo 30's but can't afford them. I know both of these are mid-fi speakers but all my budget will allow. Has anyone heard both? Can you pass on stregnths + weakness?
Are the BR5's worth $100 more?
If you know the Wharfedales, how do 9'5's compare to 9.6's?
I can't audition so I'm collecting as much info as possible.
I would also listen to any other brand suggestions for towers under $600.
I listen to mostly rock, some jazz and classical.
I have a sub but would like the towers to be able to stand alone. 60% music/30% movies/10% admiring.
Many thanks
Klipsch Forte's. $400 to $600 in used market. From my experience, most Klipsch owners of these classic or heritage speakers take good care of them. Take a good look at the passive radiators on the rear, if any damage to the speakers this is where it will occur. Great sounding with tubes and most vintage receivers or int. amps. Also like a lot of power even though not necessary.
