I'm glad you want the world to be a better place and respect your determination.
This is a discussion and as you present your opinion I present mine.
Placing restrictions and limitations without proof only hurts. Just because their are government regulations doesn't mean we have to drink the cool-aid and not challenge them from time to time.
In this instance, these regulations and opinions hurt people who have lead filled stands and speakers and wont be able to sell them or have to sell them at a reduced price, due to statemts like yours or for people who want the freedom of choice to purchase lead shot for ammo,speakers and stand damping.
The US (CDC and EPA) or you cant provide any statistics on people getting sick or dying from lead filled stands or speakers or handling ammo.
I have checked the stats, facts and figures and in fact the incidents for sickness are so low that its not even documented for ages 6 and up, their are only stats for children exposed to open lead from paint at a ratio of 64 children out of 23 million getting high enough levels to have seizures.
So you might rather peruse trying to stop people from smoking, drinking, making love, driving cars, going to the movies; more of an issue than having lead in their speakers or stands
Your goal is to make the world a better place without lead, if you want to be persuasive be ready to provide statistics to back it up, not just that their are regulations by some agency that was funded to provide jobs.
I can prove their are no reported deaths from lead poisoning based on documents from the CDC and EPA.
I'll be glad to send them to anyone who wants them