Single vs Dual Subs

Let's assume the budget is around $2k.

On the one hand, you could pick up a used/demo JL Audio or Velodyne DD-series. On the other, you could get a pair of new subs from Hsu Research or SVS. Given that the solution has to work well for 2-channel music as well as 5-channel movies, what would sway one in one direction or the other?

I use to use a single sub(double duty for 2 channel and HT.
I purchased another for dedicated 2 channel and other for HT.
I then experimented with 2 for 2 channel(WAY BETTER)
lays a nice blanket of bottom end for the high pitched instruments.
Using one sub for 2 channel before was like a bird with one wing,she just couldn't fly.lopsided if you will.
Now when I do movies I just connect the rca to my sub and disconnect the XLR for the music side(until I aquire another).one doesn't do it for me anymore.
Ditto! And with two subs it is actually easier to integrate with a 2 channel system, IME.
Thanks for all the responses. I was thinking about how the connections, should I go the 2 sub route. If I set the pre/pro to "no sub" and ran both front left and front right full-range, then couldn't I have both 2-channel and 5-channel covered and not have to do any cable-swapping? Or would I be messing something up by not using the sub/LFE channel out of the pre/pro?

Thanks again,
Post removed 
Yeah, it hit me while I was out with the wife and kids that I should just use the high-level connections and forget the .1 channel. I'm not a "purist" in that sense; I just want the sound to be well-integrated and, of course, get sufficiently low without boom, echo, overhang, etc.

Thanks again, all. Looks like I'm headed for dual subs.

Given my theoretical budget, I'm thinking Hsu and SVS. Others I should consider?
