Single vs Dual Subs

Let's assume the budget is around $2k.

On the one hand, you could pick up a used/demo JL Audio or Velodyne DD-series. On the other, you could get a pair of new subs from Hsu Research or SVS. Given that the solution has to work well for 2-channel music as well as 5-channel movies, what would sway one in one direction or the other?

I use to use a single sub(double duty for 2 channel and HT.
I purchased another for dedicated 2 channel and other for HT.
I then experimented with 2 for 2 channel(WAY BETTER)
lays a nice blanket of bottom end for the high pitched instruments.
Using one sub for 2 channel before was like a bird with one wing,she just couldn't fly.lopsided if you will.
Now when I do movies I just connect the rca to my sub and disconnect the XLR for the music side(until I aquire another).one doesn't do it for me anymore.
Ditto! And with two subs it is actually easier to integrate with a 2 channel system, IME.
Thanks for all the responses. I was thinking about how the connections, should I go the 2 sub route. If I set the pre/pro to "no sub" and ran both front left and front right full-range, then couldn't I have both 2-channel and 5-channel covered and not have to do any cable-swapping? Or would I be messing something up by not using the sub/LFE channel out of the pre/pro?

Thanks again,
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