Cat friendly or actually unfriendly speaker

So my wife adopts a cat and now my speaker choices are more limited. Using at present a Plinius 8200mkII (175 watts)and have been using Joseph AUDIO RM7 mK11. Am looking for floorstanding speakers with speakers and grills well out of reach of a cat or another monitor that is special, a "step up" from the Josephs. Room is about 17 x 13 with hardwood floors and not a tremendous amount of absorbent furniture (which I know will impact on anything I get), speakers will be along the long wall, Also speakers need to be relatively easy to move for listenig or not more than 12-18 incles off the back wall (which is actually floor to ceiling bookcase). Thinking of Spendor sp1/2, harbeth compact 7 (which would be slightly more than my upper $ limit used), Totem Forest. Will be looking for these speakers used. Your help would be greatly appreciated, and no my wife will not consent to have the cat de-clawed.
If you really must upgrade the Spendor Classic Series are really nice. I've owned three pairs (3/1, 7/1, and 1/2e). In your price range the 1/2e's come up fairly often. You'll want to budget for the Sound Anchor stands though. Also, check these out:

They have been modified but they are fantastic speakers for the money and floor standers. Spendor doesn't make them like this anymore. The cabinet was too expensive to mass produce.
I was strongly considering the Spendor 1/2's but heard they need to be much further out from the wall...any thoughts?
Home-made pepper spray works for me. Spray the area around the speakers as well as the grills (remove the grills, take outside and spray generously). Here is the recipe for the spray:

Mix 1 cup water with about 2 tablespoons dry red pepper flakes (seeds - like the type you would shake on pizza). Microwave until very hot, but not boiling. Let steep and cool overnight (cover with plastic wrap.) When cool, strain off the pepper flakes.

Pour the brew into a small spray bottle for use.

The concoction will make your eyes water and you may sneeze when spraying, so spray quickly and leave the room. When dry, you will not be affected but your cat will not come near that area - ever.

This technique works wonders, is cheap and should not stain darker fabrics (like speaker cloth).

You can use this spray on the sofa arms (etc) as well.
Agree with Jaybo. They should be fine. Being front ported helps. There was a period of time my 7/1s were about 18" from the back wall and I would not have hesitated putting my 1/2e's that close if space dictated it.