Mirage Omni 350 omnipolar

What can you guys tell me about these and the omnipolar sound?
I've heard it takes getting used to and that one usually likes or hates it. I've also been told that they are good for classical but not so much for rock.
What do you think?
If you've actually heard these please give me the rundown.
Thanks for your help.
Well, I took the plunge on the Mirage OMD-28's today!
Could not help it, as they seem like such a great deal and they only had two pair left in the beautiful Burled Maple.

Should have them mid/late next week,so we will see what
I'm SO close to biting on that Omni 550's from Vanns. I've always been interested in the Mirage Omni's but have never heard them. I have way to many unused speakers cluttering up the house, don't need to spend the money, and I love my Vandy 1Bs but...........
Well I bought them. For $299 what the heck. If I don't like them...in attic they go for another day. The Vandy 1B vs Omni 550 shootout will be interesting.
07-02-09: Petewhitley
Well I bought them. For $299 what the heck. If I don't like them...in attic they go for another day.
Vann's does have a reasonable return policy.