Mirage Omni 350 omnipolar

What can you guys tell me about these and the omnipolar sound?
I've heard it takes getting used to and that one usually likes or hates it. I've also been told that they are good for classical but not so much for rock.
What do you think?
If you've actually heard these please give me the rundown.
Thanks for your help.

Bassbusters are resonators tuned to a specific frequency which allows them to "absorb" excess energy in the range around that frequency. This really, really works...no audio magic or other mysticism is involved.

I gather that your device isn't designed that way. I wouldn't hold my breath, but you might get lucky with the homemade approach. Give it a shot - can't hurt!

Good Luck

How do these compare to the Vandies and Maggies? As a former Maggie owner, I'd be interested. Thanks,

Did anyone notice that Vann's has the Mirage 150 monitors available at app. $150/pr. I suspect that some A'goners routinely spend that on wine by the glass (okay, by the bottle, anyway).

Well that bites the big one. I thought the vanns.com Omni 150's were sold individually like the 550's so I paid $159 a pair of black ones off of Ebay. That's what happens when you don't read. I could have had the blacks for $119 or the nice cherry ones for $149. DOOOHHHH!

I haven't listened to the Vandies in about six months so that's a toughie. Off hand I would say they are more similar than different. Both have the huge soundstage. As far as tone, coherence, etc. I really need to listen side by side. If I had $2000 to spend on speakers right now I would buy the Vandersteen CE sigs II without a doubt. You can pick up a pair of older ones for four or five hundered on ebay of Agon to give them a try. I bet you will love them. BTW, people say that the 1 series can effecient but I tried my 1B's with a 15wpc 6L6 tube amp and the bass was flapping all over the place. That amp can drive most other speakers fine.
