What should I upgrade?

Hi everyone!

I have a Bel Canto s300 (300 watts @ 4ohms) driving my Magnepan 1.6qr's. I'd like to get more defined low end throughout the volume spectrum.

Which choice is best and why?

1. Upgrade to the s500 (500 watts)
2. Add a JL Audio f112? subwoofer to existing setup.
3. Add room acoustic treatments, etc. (walls are wood, floors are cork.) *If choosing this option what is recommended?

PS. I use a Bel Canto Dac3 and stream from Mac ibook G4 via Airport Express using glass Toslink or hardwired via USB.

"Audiophile in training"
Measure your current room response so you have an idea of what is going on. That will help you understand if room treatments or a sub will help.

Talk to Magnepan regarding if you are under-driving your speakers. Borrowing a more powerful amp to try would be a good idea, too. Cheers,
How large is your room?
Do you live in a House or an Apartment?
What type of music do you listen to?
Do you just want to tighten up the bass, or do you want more slam and dynamics?

I believe that your best solution to get a more defined low-end, depends on your answers to the questions above.

Hi Rich,

Room size: 17x35
Domicile: House
Type of music: Everything! (Mostly jazz. Jazz seems to be awesome!) It's the pop or rock that is lacking bass/dynamics.
Wants: I'm not sure what the difference is. I think I want both, but more importantly more slam.

Thanks for the assistance!
